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TFT DCF77 Analyzer with TFT Serial Monitor & DCF77 Filter



This is a TFT version of Erik de Ruiter's DCF77 Analyzer Clock. The DCF77 signal including weather is decoded and displayed on a 2.8" ILI9341 TFT via a Lolin D32 Pro v2 board.

Coded by tobozo it also includes full weather data decode city by city.

I have added a serial monitor using an Atmega 328 with a 2nd TFT alongside the Analyzer TFT to show the weather decode live.

A modified Udo Klein DCF77 Super Filter is also added via a 2nd Atmega 328 to clean up very noisy signals.

The DCF77 Super Filter serial output can also be displayed on the Serial monitor if required.











Typical DCF77 Analyzer outputs.



DCF77 Signal Displayed on a 2.8" TFT Screen second by second

Decoded Weather Data is displayed on a 2nd TFT Screen

DCF77 Signal can be filtered/error corrected

DCF77 filter level can be set to low (filtered) or high (fully synthesized)

DCF77 filter info can be displayed on the 2nd TFT screen if required

Serial Monitor can be used to monitor external sources

Serial monitor baud rate can be set to 5 different values




A full minute of DCF77 Data being received

DCF77 analyzer animation





There are three distinct parts to this project.

DCF77 TFT Analyzer

TFT Serial Monitor

DCF77 Super Filter

All the parts can be built stand alone as required.




DCF77 TFT Analyzer  Copyright (c) 2018 tobozo

I had an initial version of the tobozo's DCF77 TFT Analyzer working on a TTGO TS v1.2.

This worked fine but I found the display too small.


I wanted to use a 320x240 2.2" or 2.8" TFT display and tobozo kindly provided me with some prototype code and helped me

get it working on a 2.8" 320x240 ILI9341 TFT display.


I have modified the prototype code in places to make it fit the larger display correctly.

The serial output to display the Meteo Data was designed for a full screen serial monitor so I have also modified this to fit on a 2.8" TFT display.





TFT Serial Monitor  by Alan Senior

The original sketch was included as an example in the Adafruit_ILI9341_AS library.

I have modified the code so the baud rate can be modified on startup.

Switches are included so the DCF77 decode, Super Filter or an external serial input can be displayed.

If switched to the external input with nothing connected this will pause the last serial input.

This is useful when viewing the Filter output as it changes once per second.






DCF77 Super Filter by Udo Klein

When switched on the Udo Klein's Super Filter actively processes the incoming DCF77 signal

from the antenna/receiver. After a few minutes of sampling the DCF77 signal the Super Filter will predict the DCF77 signal and use this

to determine if the incoming signal contains any errors. The Super Filter will then synthesize a corrected DCF77 signal even if the signal is absent.

I have modified the Super Filter Code to add extra monitor LEDs, there are now 10 in total.

In order to do this I have removed 4 modes from the filter just leaving synthesized and inverted synthesized.

Detailed DCF77 Signal and Filter  information (I have changed what's output and the format) can be viewed on the TFT Monitor





The DCF77 Signal

DCF77 is a German long wave time signal and is transmitted from Mainflingen Germany, about 25 km south-east of Frankfurt am Main.

The DCF77 signal is an amplitude-modulated, pulse-width coded 1 bit/s data signal. As each bit is transmitted every second it makes it a very visible time signal for displaying on the TFT display.

Map showing the distance from the DCF77 transmitter in Germany.

In Kenley UK we are able to get very good DCF77 reception. I monitor this 24/7 and show live charts see below so you can see if your signal interference is similar to mine.

Live charts showing DCF77 signal reception in Kenley UK

1 = all 60 bits of data received with no errors in the last minute. 0 = 1 or more data bits received in the last minute had an error.



DCF77 is controlled by the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt (PTB), Germany's national physics laboratory and transmits 24/7.

Most service interruptions are short-term disconnections of under two minutes. Longer lasting transmission service interruptions are generally caused by strong winds, freezing rain or snow induced T-antenna movement.

This manifests itself in electrical detuning of the antenna resonance circuit and hence a measurable phase modulation of the received signal. When the maladjustment is too large, the transmitter is taken out of service temporarily. Over a year this will typically be a few hours.

The time code sent is either in Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)+1 or UTC+2 depending on daylight saving time.

The time is represented in binary-coded decimal. It represents civil time, including summer time adjustments.

The time transmitted is the time of the following minute; e.g. during December 31 23:59, the transmitted time encodes January 1 00:00.

The chart below shows the makeup of the DCF77 time code transmitted at 1 pulse per second over 60 seconds

This chart shows details of the transmitted code




DCF77 Weather Data

 Encrypted weather data is transmitted, alongside the time and date information, from the DCF77 transmitter.

In each minute there are 14 bits which are sent and one weather message consists of three consecutive minutes of 14 bits of weather data. In total 42 bits are used.

Note bits 1 and 8 from the first minute are not used.

In addition there are 40 bits needed derived from the time signal itself, this acts as the cypher.



The 42 bits of data are collected from bits 1 to 14 over 3 minutes.


Serial monitor showing decoded weather info after 3 consecutive error free minute decodes.

There are 480 of these pages in a day making up the weather/forecast for the DCF77 area       

14 encrypted weather bits are transmitted every minutes making 42 bits in total


The transmission starts again after 24 hours at 10 p.m. UTC with region 0.

A total of 90 regions in Europe are supplied with weather data.

60 with a 4-day forecast and 30 with a two-day forecast. This results in the following sequence:

Start at 10 p.m. UTC with
region 0 - 59 maximum values ​​1st day (today)
region 0 - 59 minimum values 1st day (today)

region 0 - 59 maximum values ​​2nd day (tomorrow)
region 0 - 59 minimum values 2nd day (tomorrow)

region 0 - 59 maximum values ​​3rd day
region 0 - 59 minimum values 3rd day

region 0 - 59 maximum values ​​4th day
region 0 - 59 Weather anomalies and wind data for the 4th day.

Since no minimum values ​​are transmitted for the 4th day, one uses the capacities freed up for
region 60 - 89 maximum values ​​1st day
region 60 - 89 maximum values ​​2nd day

It should be noted that the data for two regions are transmitted in the last 60 data records transmitted.


Weather Code Times in London note shown in CET take an hour off for GMT

Transmission Minute CET Area Code City/Country 4 Day Forecast Day = 4 Day Forecast Night =
00:56 18 London (Great Britain) 1  
03:56 18 London (Great Britain)   1
06:56 18 London (Great Britain) 2  
09:56 18 London (Great Britain)   2
12:56 18 London (Great Britain) 3  
15:56 18 London (Great Britain)   3
18:56 18 London (Great Britain) 4  
21:56 18 London (Great Britain)   4





Region No. Region/City Region No. Region/City Region No. Region/City Region No. Region/City Region No. Region/City Region No. Region/City
0 FRANCE  Bordeaux 15 BRITAIN Swansea  30 GERMANY  Erfurt  45 GERMANY  Strasbourg  60 ITALY  Napoli  75  IRELAND Galway
1 FRANCE  la Rochelle 16 BRITAIN Manchester  31 SWITZERLAND Lausanne  46 AUSTRIA  Klagenfurt  61 ITALY  Ancona  76 IRELAND Dublin 
2 FRANCE  Paris 17 FRANCE  le Havre  32 SWITZERLAND Zuerich  47 AUSTRIA  Innsbruck  62 ITALY  Bari 77 BRITAIN Glasgow 
3 FRANCE  Brest 18 BRITAIN London  33 SWITZERLAND Adelboden  48 AUSTRIA  Salzburg  63 HUNGARY  Budapest  78 NORWAY  Stavanger 
4 FRANCE  Clermont 19 GERMANY  Bremerhaven  34 SWITZERLAND Sion  49 AUSTRIA  Wien 64 SPAIN Madrid  79 NORWAY Trondheim 
5 FRANCE  Beziers  20 DENMARK Herning  35 SWITZERLAND Glarus  50 CZECH REPUBLIC Praha  65 SPAIN  Bilbao  80 SWEDEN  Sundsvall 
6 BELGIUM  Bruxelles 21 DENMARK Arhus  36 SWITZERLAND Davos 51 CZECH REPUBLIC Decin  66 ITALY  Palermo  81 POLAND Gdansk  
7 FRANCE  Dijon 22 GERMANY  Hannover  37 GERMANY  Kassel  52 GERMANY  Berlin  67 SPAIN  Palma   82 POLAND Warszawa 
8 FRANCE  Marseille 23 DENMARK Copenhagen 38 SWITZERLAND Locarno  53 SWEDEN  Gothenburg   68 SPAIN  Valencia  83 POLAND Krakow 
9 FRANCE  Lyon 24 GERMANY  Rostock   39 ITALY  Sestriere   54 SWEDEN  Stockholm  69 SPAIN  Barcelona  84 SWEDEN  Umea 
10 FRANCE Grenoble 25 GERMANY  Ingolstadt  40 ITALY  Milano  55 SWEDEN  Kalmar  70 AN Andorra  85 SWEDEN  Oestersund 
11 SWITZERLAND La Chaux 26 GERMANY  Muenchen  41 ITALY  Roma  56 SWEDEN  Joenkoeping  71 SPAIN  Sevilla  86 SWITZERLAND Samedan 
12 GERMANY  Frankfurt/M 27 ITALY  Bolzano  42 NETHERLANDS Amsterdam  57 GERMANY  Donauechingen  72 SPAIN  Lissabon  87 CROATIA Zagreb 
13 GERMANY  Trier  28 GERMANY  Nuernberg  43 ITALY  Genova  58 NORWAY  Oslo  73 ITALY  Sassari  88 SWITZERLAND Zermatt 
14 GERMANY  Duisburg  29 GERMANY  Leipzig  44 ITALY  Venezia  59 GERMANY  Stuttgart   74 SPAIN  Gijon 89 CROATIA Split







Leap Second

A leap second is a one-second adjustment that is occasionally applied to Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), to accommodate the difference between precise time (as measured by atomic clocks) and imprecise observed solar time (known as UT1

and which varies due to irregularities and long-term slowdown in the Earth's rotation). The UTC time standard, widely used for international timekeeping and as the reference for civil time in most countries,

uses precise atomic time and consequently would run ahead of observed solar time unless it is reset to UT1 as needed.The leap second facility exists to provide this adjustment.

Because the Earth's rotation speed varies in response to climatic and geological events,UTC leap seconds are irregularly spaced and unpredictable. Insertion of each UTC leap second is usually decided about six months in advance by the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS),

to ensure that the difference between the UTC and UT1 readings will never exceed 0.9 seconds.

Insertion of Leap Seconds

The scheduling of leap seconds was initially delegated to the Bureau International de l'Heure (BIH), but passed to the International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service (IERS) on January 1, 1988. IERS usually decides to apply a leap second whenever

the difference between UTC and UT1 approaches 0.6 s,in order to keep the difference between UTC and UT1 from exceeding 0.9 s.

The UTC standard allows leap seconds to be applied at the end of any UTC month, with first preference to June and December and second preference to March and September. As of January 2017, all of them have been inserted at the end of either June 30 or December 31.

IERS publishes announcements every six months, whether leap seconds are to occur or not, in its "Bulletin C". Such announcements are typically published well in advance of each possible leap second date – usually in early January for June 30 and in early July for December 31.

Some time signal broadcasts give voice announcements of an impending leap second.

Leap Seconds since 1972

Year 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 Year Total
Jun-30 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 Jun-30 11 27
Dec-31 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 Dec-31 16



Between 1972 and 2020, a leap second has been inserted about every 21 months, on average.

However, the spacing is quite irregular and apparently increasing: there were no leap seconds in the six-year interval between January 1, 1999 and December 31, 2004,but there were nine leap seconds in the eight years 1972–1979.

Unlike leap days, which begin after February 28 23:59:59 local time,[a] UTC leap seconds occur simultaneously worldwide; for example, the leap second on December 31, 2005 23:59:60 UTC was December 31, 2005 18:59:60 (6:59:60 p.m.) in U.S. Eastern Standard Time and January 1 and January 1 00:59:60 CET Central European Time.


DCF77 Leap Second
The Leap Second is announced in the DCF77 signal 1 hour before the leap second is due. This is signaled by Bit 19 of the DCF77 signal being set to 1 an hour before the leap second.

Therefore DCF77 clocks will receive 60 of these before the leap second bit is sent.

The leap second bit (always 0) is sent on the 60th bit and is followed by the normal minute marker.

This means that minute will last for 61 seconds rather than 60.


Below looped animation -leap second being received on my DCF77 Analyzer

The inner ring shows the incoming DCF77 signal in real time (Grey is 0 and Red is 1).

The inner ring shows the DCF77 buffer and is labeled 0 to 59 for the 60 seconds of the minute being received.

Normally buffer 59 is blank as per the corresponding mark on the outer ring for the last minute. A leap second is inserted here shown by an extra 0 on buffer 59.

The time is the time on the RTC and this resets itself as normal to 01:00:00 after 59 seconds but the buffer store inner ring is not reset nor is the current time buffer store updated.

The Analyzer picks up the extra leap second bit then resets the whole buffer store and updates the current buffer outer ring with the new time and resets the RTC to 01:00:00 again 1 second later.

The RTC is now 1 second slower after the insertion of the Leap Second



This image shows the leap second as an extra 0 bit on the inner ring buffer store.

The RTC has reset to 01:00:00.

"Leap Second Inserted" warning appears below the time.

The time & date of the last leap second is displayed on the TFT.


Looped animation showing the leap second detail and how it makes the DCF77 controlled clock lose 1 second.



Main TFT Analyzer Control Panel

DCF77 ESP32 Analyzer




The control panel is split into four sections DCF77 ESP32 Analyzer,  DCF77 Filter, Power/Display & Serial Monitor

The DCF77 ESP32 Analyzer contains the main TFT display showing the DCF77 signal and decoding.

The DCF77 Filter contains the filter LEDs and filter control switches.

The Power/Display section has common controls for main power and TFT display backlights On or Off.

The Serial Monitor Section contains the serial TFT display and control switches for the serial monitor.



DCF77 TFT Analyzer Detail  tobozo

Modelled on Eric The DCF77 analyzer works on a  ILI9341 TFT via a Lolin D32 Pro v2 board.

It seems to work on all 2.2" ILI9341 TFT displays but for some reason only works on 2.8"  ILI9341 touch displays.

tobozo has created a branch off the main esp-DCF32_Analyzer_Clock on github for this version.


Emulating Erik de Ruiter's DCF77 Analyzer Clock the analyzer displays the DCF77 time code on 2 rings of 60 "LEDs" on the TFT display.

The inner ring shows the live time code for the next minute as it is received

and the outer ring shows the current time as long as the previous minute was received error free.

Decoded time and date in UTC + 1 or UTC + 2 are shown in the middle of the "LED" rings along with the chosen City and forecast for that city.

Note I have not added adjustments for GMT my home location as I don't use this as a clock just an analyzer.


The animation below shows a full minute of data capture and decode.


The top right of the screen is used to display DCF77 pulse timings and bit information along with the buffer number and number of errors.

The bottom right of the TFT shows the week number, leap year, CET/CEST and also the day of the week.

Top left has DCF77 status indications that change colour depending on their state-Green for good grey no status and red for bad.

There are indicators for DCF77 sync, Minute mark, RTC, Buffer Full, Buffer Overflow, Pulse width error and period of time error.

The bottom left of the display shows the parity for Minutes, Hour and Date in 3 colours.

These are Grey-waiting parity check, Green-parity check OK & Red parity check fail.

Note the very bottom left of the display is not in use and will probably be used for Meteo data info in the future.


The full TFT display on a 2.8" TFT

DCF77 ESP32 Analyzer



The illustrations below give further details on the displays











As per the Erik's original analyzer there is an option to do an (LED) test on boot.

Not really necessary on a TFT but a nice touch anyway.


Animation showing the DCF77 Analyzer Boot-up Screen





DCF77 Initial Sync

On boot the time and date are fetched from the RTC.

If this is the first boot the time and date will no be correct as the RTC is set once a complete DCF77 signal is received and decoded.

After this if the analyzer is powered down the RTC stores the time and date.


This animation shows the clock receiving it's initial sync.

The buffers are initial empty and after the analyzer detects a minute mark the received data is loaded into the inner ring once per second.

If no pulse timing or parity errors are found the data is loaded into the outer ring and decoded updating the RTC and filling out the missing data on the display.

The inner ring is emptied ready for the next minutes worth of data.


Note weather data will not be loaded until the weather information for your chosen city is received.

This information of each city  is sent over 3 minutes worth of data at various times of the day.

See the DCF77 weather section above for full details.



DCF77 Meteo Data display

Unlike Erik's analyzer tobozo has included full DCF77 weather decoding in his version.

The weather information for your chosen city is displayed on the analyzers TFT screen.

The full weather decode is sent out over the serial port and can be displayed on a serial monitor.

My analyzer has a built in TFT serial monitor display.

Unlike the Arduino serial monitor my TFT monitor is limited in the information it can display.

I have modified the serial printing so all the data for each city  fits onto my TFT display.

The data for each city is received over three consecutive minutes in 14 bit sections.

During a 24hr period there will be up to 7 separate TFT "pages of data sent".

Each page contains different weather info for each city and there are 480 pages sent containing data for 90 cities, 60 with a 4-day forecast and 30 with a two-day forecast.


The illustration below shows the weather page for Klagenfurt in Austria and is built up over 3 minutes.

Every minute the received "meteo" bits are checked and if OK the line Received Meteo Bits x-xx ae shown.

If the received meteo bits contain errors they will be rejected and the line for that data will be missing.

If the analyzer does not receive all these bits 1-14, 15-28 & 29-42 over the three minute period  the weather page can't be decoded and won't be displayed.





TFT Serial Monitor Detail

This sketch uses the built in hardware scrolling feature of the ILI9341 chip, this takes the processing burden off the Arduino AVR microcontroller and means that the display can keep up with serial text messages at 9600 baud.

The ILI9341 and GFX libraries been optimised for speed, some of the speed enhancing features use direct PORT access to the ATmega328 registers so it is important to use an Arduino board based on that processor chip.

These speed improvements means that characters in the proportional font 2 can be printed to the screen at more than 1000 characters per second.


The original sketch worked only at 9600 baud so I have added an option in the start menu to set the baud rate to 5 different values.

The rate required is set on the rotary control and then the Serial Monitor is reset by selecting "SET BAUD RATE" on the "RESET" non latching toggle switch so this new rate is loaded.

Once restarted the new board rate is shown on the top of the TFT.


The serial terminal can also read the serial output from external sources by selecting "EXTERNAL Prog. ESP32" on the "SERIAL SELECT" switch.

With the switch in this position the external serial port on the back on the DCF77 Analyzer is selected.

The external source's 0v should be connected to 0v of the Analyzer.

With the switch in this position and no external source selected anything that was connected on the internal port is "freeze framed".

This is useful for reading the 1 second output from the Filter as it scrolls every second.

When set to "INTERNAL" the "INT SERIAL SELECT" latching switch becomes live.


When set to "ANALYZER" the serial port output of the TFT analyzer is displayed on the TFT display.

When set to "FILTER" the serial port output of the DCF77 Filter  is displayed on the TFT display.





Arduino Serial Buffer Modification

I have modified the serial buffer on the serial monitor from 64 to 1024 so it should be able to handle faster baud rates.

The serial monitor UNO does nothing else but print out what's on the serial port so it has memory to spare.

To do this on my Arduino version 1.8.5 go to the Arduino core code directory and copy the Arduino folder.

My folder is in C:\Program Files (x86)\arduino-1.8.5\hardware\arduino\avr\cores


Paste the whole Arduino folder and then rename it to arduino_1024_serialbuf

Open this new folder C:\Program Files\arduino-1.0.1\hardware\arduino\cores\arduino_1024_serialbuf

and then look for the file USBAPI.h.

Open this folder in an editor.

Look for these lines


#if ((RAMEND - RAMSTART) < 1023)







#error Please lower the CDC Buffer size


Change buffer size the line in red to 1024.

You now have the following.



#if ((RAMEND - RAMSTART) < 1023)







#error Please lower the CDC Buffer size



Save the file.

Next I modified the Boards.txt file.

My files was in the avr folder here  C:\Program Files (x86)\arduino-1.8.5\hardware\arduino\avr

Open the Boards.txt file in an editor

Locate the UNO board in the file see below




uno.name=Arduino/Genuino Uno


































Copy the section of txt  and paste it below.

Modify the txt you have just pasted as below.

 1024 has been added after the uno on each line and the build.core line has the arduino replaced by arduino_1024_serialbuf.

This is the name of your new folder where your modified USBAPI.h file is located.



Uno1024.name=Arduino Uno (1024 Serial Buffer)































Save the Boards.txt file.
Now when you open the Arduino IDE and go to Tools/Boards you will see Arduino Uno (1024 Serial Buffer) listed along with Arduino/Genuino Uno.

When you burn the serial terminal sketch select this board and the board will be built with a 1024 bit serial buffer instead of the standard 64 bit.


Serial monitor showing decoded weather info after 3 consecutive error free minute decodes.

There are 480 of these pages in a day making up the weather/forecast for the DCF77 area       

14 encrypted weather bits are transmitted every minutes making 42 bits in total



The transmission starts again after 24 hours at 10 p.m. UTC with region 0.

A total of 90 regions in Europe are supplied with weather data.

60 with a 4-day forecast and 30 with a two-day forecast. This results in the following sequence:

Start at 10 p.m. UTC with
region 0 - 59 maximum values ​​1st day (today)
region 0 - 59 minimum
values 1st day (today) region 0 - 59 maximum values ​​2nd day (tomorrow)
region 0 - 59 minimum values 2nd day (tomorrow)
Region 0 - 59 maximum values ​​3rd day
Region 0 - 59 minimum
values 3rd day Region 0 - 59 maximum values ​​4th day
Region 0 - 59 Weather anomalies and wind data for the 4th day.
Since no minimum values ​​are transmitted for the 4th day, one uses the capacities freed up for
region 60 - 89 maximum values ​​1st day
region 60 - 89 maximum values ​​2nd day

It should be noted that the data for two regions are transmitted in the last 60 data records transmitted.




DCF77 Super Filter Detail

The Super Filter uses an Atmega 328 (UNO) IC to process the DCF77 signal.

The incoming DCF77 signal is monitored on the "DCF77 SIGNAL" led.

The filtered signal is monitored on the "DCF77 FILTERED" led. With a noiseless signal the  "DCF77 SIGNAL" & "DCF77 FILTERED" led will flash in unison.

Any slight difference is shown on the "SIGNAL DIFF" led.

With a noisy DCF77 signal  the "DCF77 SIGNAL" will flash with the noise on the signal but the filtered LED once the filter us in sync will flash correctly as the filter knows what pulse to expect next and will "SYNTHESIZE" it if not present.

Below noisy signal. Note the "DCF77 FILTERED" led pulses as normal despite the noise.


LED Function Chart

Name  Description 
Filter On   lights when the DCF77 Source switch is set to FILTER and means the Super Filter is decoding and synthesizing the DCF77 signal 
DCF77 Filtered  the DCF77 Synthesized signal coming out from the Super Filter 
DCF77 Signal  the DCF77 signal coming direct from the DCF77 receiver with no filter applied 
Signal Difference  the difference between the incoming DCF77 signal and the Synthesized signal. In normal operation this will flash as the received signal shape is often slightly “wider” than the synthesized signal.
Filter Synchronized  best possible quality, clock is 100% synced
Filter Locked  clock driven by accurate phase, time is accurate but not all decoder stages have sufficient quality for sync 
Sync Lost <200mS   clock was once synced, inaccuracy below 200 ms, may re-lock if a valid phase is detected 
Sync Lost >200mS  clock was once synced but now may deviate more than 200 ms, must not re-lock if valid phase is detected 
Signal Dirty time data available but unreliable 
Signal Bad  waiting for good enough signal 



Filter Synchronized - Timing is completely locked to DCF77 and the data is most up to date.

Filter Locked - If the quality factor of the decoder stages drops but the quality factor of the phase decoder stays high enough the clock will transition into the state locked.

In this state it is still phase locked to DCF77 but it may become out of sync by a second but only if a leap second is transmitted.

Sync Lost <200mS - This indicates that the quality factor of the decoder stage and the quality factor of the phase decoder have dropped. In this state the timer relies on the quartz crystal timings and the clock will slowly drift out of phase with the DCF77 signal. This is a warning that the clock may be running slightly out of sync.

Sync Lost >200mS - Once the clock has started to drift out of phase for more than a set period of time (depending on the tuned accuracy of the quartz crystal) then this LED will light


Main Panel with the serial monitor switched to monitor the filter that outputs every second




DCF77 Filter Switches

Note in any switch position the DCF77 signal is always connected to the Filter.

This alows the Filter to always learn the signal and also tune the Quartz crystal.

This switch turns the DCF77 signal On or off



This switch turns the DCF77 Filter on or Off


This switch selects the filter type

Filtered Output –  If the clock is at least in state “locked” the output is synthesized and thus 100% clean.

The phase will be spot on but it might leap for 1s at unexpected times if can not properly decode the leap second announcement bit while a leap second is actually scheduled.

 In less than “locked” states it will pass the signal through. This is the most defensive modes which provides least filtering. If your DCF77 signal is not total crap it may be more than sufficient.


Synthesized Output – This is the most aggressive filter mode.

 After its initial sync it will synthesize no matter what the internal state is.

 However beware: if you do not evaluate the diff pin you will never know that it may be running “free” and thus drifting out of sync slowly.

Of course if the signal is reasonable every once in a while it will re-sync though.





Filter starting up.

Signal is shown as "SIGNAL BAD" as the filter is waiting to sync to the signal.

During this time if a noisy signal is received the filter will not correct it.

The noise is passed to the DCF77 decoder as shown by the DCF77 Signal and DCF77 Filtered LEDs flashing out of time every now and then as noise is received.

It will however keep learning looking for repeating patterns in the signal even though the signal is noisy.

As the filter learns the signal the "Signal Bad" LED will go out and the "Signal Dirty" LED will light.

This indicates that time data is available but is unreliable.

This is flowed by the "Filter Locked" LED.

This indicates that the clock is driven by accurate phase, time is accurate but not all decoder stages have sufficient quality for sync.



Filter in Sync

After a few minutes and it may be many if the signal is very noisy the filter will synchronize indicated by the "Filter Sync" led illuminating.

This indicates best possible quality, clock is 100% synced.

The "Signal Difference" LED will flash to show the difference between the incoming DCF77 signal and the Synthesized signal.

In normal operation this will flash as the received signal shape is often slightly “wider” than the synthesized signal.






Rejecting a Noisy Signal

Now the filter is in sync the filter knows what pulse to expect so if any any noise is received the filter synthesizes the correct pulse.

You can see below that the "DCF77 Filtered" LED continues to flash every second despite the DCF77 Signal LED flashing out of time.


An in sync filter will now start to adjust the frequency of the Quartz crystal using the DCF77 signal as a reference.

If the DCF77 signal is lost for many days the clock will stay in sync.

Eventually the quartz crystal will drift and if less than 200mS the "No Sync< 200mS LED will light.

If the crystal drifts more than 200mS then the "No Sync>200mS LED will light.

Once the DCF77 signal is restored the filter will go back into sync again.

Super Filter- on power up the pin connections are displayed



Once powered up the serial display is updated once per second


The meaning is shown in the diagram below.



















Control Panel Construction


I used 1mm aluminium sheet to make the panel.



The panel template is printed out from my CAD program onto paper. The TFT holes are cut out with a craft knife and the template is then placed over the blank alluminium sheet.

A marker pen is used to draw around the TFT cut outs onto the alluminium and the hole centers are marked with a center punch through the paper template.




Panel ready for cutting out and drilling



Cutout the holes for the TFTs with a scroll saw/jig saw and drill holes for screws, switches and control knob.



Prime and spray



Printout panel design including centers onto inkjet decal paper and apply to painted panel


Cut away inkjet transfer paper from all holes and cutouts.

Apply two coats of clear varnish.



Completed panel with all parts in place.



DCF77 Analyzer Mounted in a wooden box



Alternative upright wooden box

Box construction

Box is constructed from 9mm plywood.

The box parts are screwed in place.




Cutout for alluminium panel



Alluminium control panel in place



Box painted and lettering decal applied





Box Dimentions







Top view of sides and base












The plywood lid has a section cutout for the controls and displays on the alluminium panel.





Alluminium panel superimposed over the wooden lid showing relative locations of cutouts.

Note the extra cutout for the base of VR1.




Alluminium lid in place.




Atmega 328

Two Atmega 328s (UNOs) are used in this project, 1 for the serial monitor and the other for the DCF77 Super Filter.

The following pins are used.

Super Filter Pins

Serial Monitor Pins

Atmega 328 Pinouts







A Lolin D32 Pro v2 is used for the DCF77 Analyzer

Lolin D32 Pro

Lolin D32 Pro v2 pinout




Lolin D32 Pro v2 schematic

Click image for PDF version



Lolin D32 Pro v2 Pin Table

Pin Default Configuration* Optional Configuration* Remarks / Prerequisites Configuration
GPIO22 I2C_DEV(0):SCL     I2C Interfaces
GPIO21 I2C_DEV(0):SDA     I2C Interfaces
GPIO18 SPI_DEV(0):SCK     SPI Interfaces
GPIO19 SPI_DEV(0):MISO     SPI Interfaces
GPIO23 SPI_DEV(0):MOSI     SPI Interfaces
GPIO5 SPI_DEV(0):CS0 / LED0     SPI Interfaces
GPIO4 SPI_DEV(0):CS1 SD Card CS when module sdcard_spi is used SPI Interfaces
GPIO1 UART_DEV(0):TxD   Console (configuration is fixed) UART interfaces
GPIO3 UART_DEV(0):RxD   Console (configuration is fixed) UART interfaces
GPIO36 ADC_LINE(0)     ADC Channels
GPIO39 ADC_LINE(1)     ADC Channels
GPIO34 ADC_LINE(2)     ADC Channels
GPIO35 ADC_LINE(3)   VBat measurement (GPIO is not broken out) ADC Channels
GPIO32 ADC_LINE(4) TFT_LED when TFT is connected ADC Channels
GPIO33 ADC_LINE(5) TFT_RESET when TFT is connected ADC Channels
GPIO25 DAC_LINE(0)     DAC Channels
GPIO26 DAC_LINE(1)     DAC Channels
GPIO0 PWM_DEV(0):0 MRF24J40/ENC28J60 RESET when module mrf24j40/enc2860 is used PWM Channels
GPIO2 PWM_DEV(0):1 MRF24J40/ENC28J60 CS when module mrf24j40/enc2860 is used PWM Channels
GPIO13 - MRF24J40/ENC28J60 INT when module mrf24j40/enc2860 is used  
GPIO15 -      
GPIO12 - TS_CS when TFT is connected  
GPIO14 - TFT_CS when TFT is connected  
GPIO27 - TFT_DC when TFT is connected  



Pre-built board and modules


LM2596 Regulator

LM2596 Regulator Module drops the voltage down to 5v.

This is adjusted by the 10K preset resistor on the module.

Adjust this before connecting the Lolin,328s & TFTs to the board.

RTC DS3231 I2C

This module stores the time from the decoded DCF77 signal.

The built in clock has temperature compensation and has battery backup in case of power failure.

Note the RTC module is modified  by removing R5 so it  takes non rechargeable batteries.






Vero Board Layouts

Note SW3 & SW5 can be omitted from the Vero Board as they are replace by toggle switches on the control panel.





Vero board fully assembled & wired.







Schematic (click image for full size version)

TFT displays and LEDs can be controlled/dimmed off the Lolin D32 Pro AT-LED via a transistor and LDR if required.

 The command tft.setBrightness( 0 - 255 ) can be used to set brightness over 256 levels. I have used a similar idea here  DCF77 Analyzer Mk2



Testing the DCF77 Analyzer

My DCF77 Generator digital DCF77 output fed into the DCF77 Analyzer.

The DCF77 Analyzer displays on both should be exactly the same.






TFT Analyzer v26 9600 baud Serial Monitor v9 Super Filter v12