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  Date Signed: December 10, 2018 1:39 PM

Name: Luciano Baldi

Location: Italia

Which of my web site's is your comment referring to.  LCD DCF77 Master Clock
Dear Brett,

I am making DCF77 Master Clock, I have a little problem, connect the Arduino circuit to the circuit that plays the sounds.

If you can kindly help me I would be grateful. Thank you for your kind reply and wishing you happy holidays, cordially Luciano Baldi.

P.S The sound circuit is identical to that of your Master Clock.


Date Signed: December 11, 2018

Hi Brett, thanks for the kind answer, even if the project is old I like it a lot, being a retired telephone technician I have a good pastime.

 I also built the Word Clok who speaks Italian, I await for the weekend the letters that the typographer has to give me.

The sound board is the same one that is in your project, but I do not understand how to connect it, If you can kindly help me I would be grateful to you. Kind regards Luciano Baldi





  Date Signed: December 03, 2018 1:35 PM

Name: Ezio Gazzola

Location: Milano (Italy)

Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. Arduino Pet Food Dispenser
Hi, I really liked the design of the cat croquettes dispenser. I have to try to build one myself too.

Greetings Ezio




  Date Signed: November 18, 2018 5:56 PM


Location: FRANCE

Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. DCF77 Analyser Clock
Hello. I will build the DCF77 Analyser Clock and I have questions:

1) The program for the Atmega (Normal signal & superFilter signal) is the same for the 2 atemega328?

2) When i compile the program with the software arduino 1.8.6, I have a lot of errors that i can't quote because I'm limited to 3000 characters.

Can you help me please?

Regards. Jérôme






Date Signed: November 17, 2018 9:21 AM

Name: Luciano Baldi

Location: Italia

Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. Word Clock
Hello Brett, thanks to your explanations I could build a WordClock translated into Italian. Thanks again, there are rarely people like you who hang with passion and competence.

Sincerely Luciano Baldi






  Date Signed: November 03, 2018 10:22 AM

Name: Richard Williams

Location: Esher

Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc Pragotron
I have bought a Pragotron clock which is lovely, but need to make it work. Do you sell the parts to make it work with batteries? I can send you pics etc. of the clock itself;f and the movement. Kindest Richard Williams




  Date Signed: October 18, 2018 9:35 AM

Name: Jason Roberts

Location: Vancouver, BC, Canada

Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc



Hullo Brett Re your ESP8266 IOT Pet Feeder project, where did you purchase or get the feed flaps attached to the stepper motor from?

TIA Cheers JR


Hi JR the feed flaps are all part of the cereal dispenser.

This is the type used in my project available on Ebay.

See the Construction Section on my web site.



  Date Signed: August 08, 2018 9:14 PM

Name: John Heald

Location: Earby,Lancs

Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc Bird Box
Hi Brett, I'm very impressed with your bird box recording set-up. I can understand most of the physical work, but what is needed for he electronic components that interface with the computer, etc. Any help, or pointing ne in the right direction would be much appreciated. John




  Date Signed: September 11, 2017 10:40 PM

Name: Antonio Vernucci

Location: Rome Italy


Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. DCF77 synchronized clock
Hello Brett, this is Tony of Rome Italy. I was really impressed by your DCF77 master clock Mk2 which really is a magnificent example of electronic craftsmanship.

 I take this occasion - if I may - to put you a simple question concerning DCF-77-locked circuits. For an amateur radio application I need a circuit that just generates a pulse at the beginning of every minute, nothing else.

Searching the web I can find dozen of circuits which do that job but all of them are overwhelmingly complex whilst I need something simple and not requiring new developments, e.g.; a Conrad DCF-77 receiver plus a small board with a PIC

or an Arduino processor plus free software.

Best for me would be to purchase an all-inclusive off-the-shelf product at an affordable price. I would be grateful to you if you would kindly suggest me the most convenient way to proceed.

Thanks a lot in advance and again congratulations for your outstanding developments. Tony






  Date Signed: August 18, 2017 11:31 AM

Name: Richard Cook

Location: Redcar Cleveland

Which of my web site's is your comment referring to.  Master and slave clocks
Hi Brett, Congratulations on your excellent web site and all your projects.

I'm sure they are an inspiration to a lot of people. I've had a synchronome GPO type 36 hipp mechanism clock for over 20 years. The 30 second Gents slave clock has always been too noisy for home use.

Having found your site I modified a quartz clock mechanism and built your 4093 circuit for 2 second pulses to make sure I could get that working before contacting you.

My problem is I haven't the electronics knowledge to go further. The clock has 2 contacts at the top of the pendulum wired in parallel to give a 1 second output.

These contacts could be used to ground the drive input possible through a relay to give more reliability or feed a voltage out. I would be grateful for any help or advice you could give me.

A circuit to use these 1 second contacts to feed the quartz clock movement would really be appreciated . Regard and best wishes, Richard




  Date Signed: June 12, 2017 3:30 PM

Name: Michael Hallman

Location: Montgomery, Alabama USA


Which of my web site's is your comment referring to.  Arduino Background Radiation Monitoring Station
Hi there! As an employee of the Alabama Department of Public Health's Office of Radiation control, I am extremely interested in looking into this absolutely amazing device.

We currently are the only state to have Pressurized Ionization Chamber stations (PICS) that operate around our 2 nuclear plants. These are basically very similar on a smaller scale.

However, I'm looking for what the price tag is for this project. If you could e-mail me the details of such, I would be very grateful. Thanks for sharing this! (originally found on


  Date Signed: April 24, 2017 1:08 PM

Name: Ron

Location: Fremantle down under

Which of my web site's is your comment referring to.  Electro Mechanical Clock Chime

hello Brett was hoping to make contact with you and ask how you got on with the Electro Mechanical Clock Chime seems you and me think alike.

Would like to build devise to chime on the hour to match the time eg 3 chimes for 3 o clock hope you can help regards from OZ ron





  Date Signed: April 18, 2017 2:14 PM

Name: Jennifer Attoe

Location: Wolvercote Oxford

Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc Family History

Hi Brett, did you know that the link to your Family History page does not work? Now that I have retired I have a lot more time to investigate my ancestry and I recall that you had a lot of detail about the Brindleys on your page.

I would be very interested in seeing it again if you can make it accessible please. I am totally confused about some of the family line and I seem to remember that it was all set out very clearly on your pages.

You kindly sent me a DVD of photos of our family and there was a soldier on there (killed in WWI) who is completely unknown to me. I couldn't find him in the census or in the military rolls for WWI.

I am going to the National Memorial Arboretum next week and I would like to see if I can find him somewhere on those(many)memorials. It would be more interesting if I knew our connection. I hope you can help with this.

Please say hello to your mum or me, I haven't seen her since Auntie Dot's funeral - a long time ago. Best wishes to all your family. Jenny





  Date Signed: March 17, 2017 7:12 PM

Name: John Nursall

Calgary Canada

Which of my web site's is your comment referring to  Technolgy

Hi Brett, (Continuous Welded Rail v Jointed Rail) I would like to be able to include this video clip in a "train"ing course for a municipality using light rapid transit with CWR.

Does anyone know who produced this clip, so that I can be in touch with them for permission??

Cheers, John Nursall







Name: Christopher Hicks

Location: Not Entered

Which of my web site's is your comment referring to:  WW1 Family History



Really nice web site.  I have been down through the records for my great uncle, Roy Vincent Murphy 1033142, of the 38th Canadian Infantry Battalion.  Transcribed in the War Diary of the 38th, and 12th Brigade sister Battalion the 73rd.


A wealth of knowledge regarding Battalion movements and the routine of both in the line and out.


Keep up the good work.






  Date Signed: February 01, 2017 3:23 PM

Name: Dave Kemplen

Location: Cornwall

Which of my web site's is your comment referring to Clocks.

Hi Brett What a great source of information I had started to make a electronic driver for my GPO slave clock and now I can use your great site to help with the circuits. I am using an old watch crystal and divider to generate the 1 sec and then counting them to arrive at 30 secs, I am still trying to sort out the reset and output pulse to drive the mechanical bit of the clock. I now find you have beaten me to it by a long way. A mine of information Brilliant Regards Dave






  Date Signed: December 07, 2016 10:36 AM

 Rene Schwolow


Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc Clocks
Hi, I will be working as a freelance product- designer, I have studied at the Bauhaus- university Weimar, fascinated about your clock an time project, and i am looking for someone with that kind of passion about working with programming and building own time devices since years.

The reason for my search is a own project and product collection from 2011 I want to realise in 2017. In that case i am searching for someone with your knowledge and passion doing some stuff together. For more information I hope we can get in contact as soon as possible.

Best regards René






  Date Signed: November 02, 2016 8:30 PM

 Philip Cockell

Homepage: http://----
Which of my web site's is your comment referring to.
 Master Clock
Hi, I was fascinated by the master clocks that you've crafted. I was just wondering whether its possible to hack into a standard radio controlled alarm clock and use it to create 30 second pulses/minute pulses, as with your clock?








  Date Signed: October 25, 2016 11:23 PM
Name: Mike Cook

Location: near Paris, France

Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. Master/Slave Clocks

I am gob smacked. Most impressed by your work. I stumbled on your pages as I was looking to add GPS timing to a marine slave clock. Just syncing is looks to be no problem but but I wanted to be able to auto set it after a power outage and was wondering if anyone had been there before. I have a scheme, but it would take over 15mins to reset the slave I have in mind and thus quicker to do by hand. Ideally I think I need a slave with code wheels for hour and minute hands. Hmmm.






  Date Signed: March 28, 2016 7:35 AM

Name: Anthony Clarke

Location: Sydney, Oz


Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc Clocks

Just wanted to say Hi.... and looking forward to modifying my Pong Clock with all the enhancements you have built in :)






  Date Signed: February 29, 2016 11:14 PM

Name: Dave

Location: UK

Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc Arduino Push Alerts
Hi, I've just been reading through your Arduino Push Alerts system article. I was just wondering which webcam you used and how you configured it as a public IP in addition to how you integrated it with PushBullet. As far as I can see I cannot find an option to send a webcam image with PushBullet but it is referenced on several sites. Any help would be much appreciated. Many thanks, Dave





Date Signed: February 20, 2016 9:54 AM


Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc
    Master clock
Hello I just chanced upon your website while looking for a method to drive an LCD display on a second Arduino while the other Arduino collects and processes the data from sensors around the house (run out of pins) What an impressive piece of work - the website alone is miles better than many commercial ones, let alone the content. I have been looking for an accurate timekeeper for a while now. I'm fed up with all the expensive programmers, especially on the heating systems (room thermostats, boiler programmer etc.) that as well as being expensively unreliable (on the third room thermostat (2 x Honeywell, 1x Drayton) at £60-70 a time, also keep lousy time, Honeywell being the worst. The plan was to replace them by Arduino based kit and send out a synchronising time signal from a master, say, once a day at midnight. I use an MSF digital clock which I hacked into the alarm function. The alarm puts out a pattern of bleeps at 00:00 which an Arduino recognises as legitimate, and then by 433-MHz wireless, puts out a pulse picked up by the secondaries. The secondaries use RTC's and the plan is to correct just the minutes or seconds with the master pulse. I tried most of the RTC chips, but all are reasonable but far from accurate over a long period. The Arduino at the MSF will only update if the MSF clock is giving a sensible time and not out of action due to signal loss (I'm further south than you) Going back to your clocks. I have a fair idea of just how much effort has gone in - it's one thing to have a tangle of wires on the prototype bench, but the hard bit is to turn it into a finished project. I find that the Arduino community falls into two camps - there are those who are very clever but refuse to give any appreciable help, even stooping to the filthy lucre game, and there are those who are clever and generous enough to share their talents. Yours are the generous variety. Very good luck with future projects and your website now has the honour of going into my "knowledge base" collection of worthwhile information Phil_S








  Date Signed: February 03, 2016 2:11 PM

 Emma Garston

Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc
 Nest Box Cams
Hello I have been watching your nest box footage of the bluetits nesting. This is fantastic footage and I wondered would it be possible to either purchase or hire it for use in educational sessions within our charity. Within nest box week we are hoping to encourage people to build and put up their own nest boxes but I am keen to demonstrate what birds need when they chose a box to nest in and how we can help and protect them to do this. Any footage would be appreciate, if this is a possibility of course. Many thanks Emma






  Date Signed: January 27, 2016 10:00 AM


Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc
 DCF77 Master Clock
Brett, Thank you very much for being so kind to share your knowledge. I am very jealous of the bracket master clock. This is really awsome! Tried hard to find one but its hard to get one. Regards, Eric







  Date Signed: January 26, 2016 11:11 AM

 Chris Windridge

Homepage: http://
Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc

Hi Brett Great site. Can you assist with rainfall in October 2015 please? I tried to reach via Archive, but the last one is September, so I went to the main screen and thought I had found the answer with the rainfal chart set to last 12 months. However that seems to be inaccurate at present, for I think the figure should be 100mm plus, together with similar figures for Nov and December. January looks like it will go to about 100 too. Looking at rainfal and the Bourne locally. I have groundwater figures from two monitoring places and have a chart of it all. Regards Chris






  Date Signed: November 18, 2015 11:51 AM

Name: marco


Hi im really impressed by your skills can you help me to recovery my solari udione dator 6 seconday clock? it is an italian secondary 24v flip clock that usaes a step by step motor but i don't have its master can you help me with some arduino project? i'm only able to solder and load preprogrammed code on arduino




  Date Signed: October 25, 2015 1:29 PM

Name: Gavin Andrews

Location: Kingston Upon Thames

Nice site and a great set of clocks etc. I have an old large Pragotron slave clock which I have been driving using Udo's library and adjusted 1hr since DCF is 1hr ahead of us in the UK. I recorded what happened to it this morning (my first BST/GMT time change) and noticed that it changed time at 4am! That's something I hadn't considered! Do yours do that? Regards Gavin





  Date Signed: July 25, 2015 5:12 PM

 Dr Melvyn Draper


Homepage: http://

Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc Doorbell mod

Your doorbell mod was just what I was looking for - I always seem to be in my workshop some distance from the house, when the delivery man arrives. I had all the components available in my stock other than the 556 IC - I used two 555 instead. Bought a small box to fit on the side of the DECT base-station to match and coupled with a 3.5mm jack plug/socket. It works perfectly - all DECT phones produce the paging signal and, with plenty of range, I now no longer need to keep listening out for a distant bell or revving engine.


Hi Melvyn there is an enhancement to my door bell mod using an Arduino Uno and Ethernet Shield that will also message your mobile and send a picture of the caller.









  Date Signed: April 30, 2015 9:34 AM

Name: Eric Jung

 South Korea

Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc WIZnet Engineer,

Hi, Nice to meet you. My name is Eric Jung, at WIZnet in Korea. We have been searching some application references in which WIZnet solution is applied, and found your project "Arduino Push Alerts" using Ethernet Shield.

In the Ethernet Shield, WIZnet’s W5100 chip is embedded. Your development looks very cool & smart.

Recently we opened WIZnet Museum ( that includes a academic-purposed collection of open projects, tutorials, articles and etc from our global customers.

As long as we have your permission, we would like to introduce your project on this website.

Thank you very much







  Date Signed: February 04, 2015 8:03 AM



Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc LCD Maser Clock
I tried to rebukild your LCD Master Clock. But I got errors by the Arduino Program like:

 serialLCD4x20LED51:46: error: 'LiquidCrystal_I2C' does not name a type

serialLCD4x20LED51:51: error: 'TimeChangeRule' does not name a type

serialLCD4x20LED51:53: error: 'TimeChangeRule' does not name a type

serialLCD4x20LED51:55: error: 'Timezone' does not name a type

serialLCD4x20LED51:91: error: 'time_t' does not name a type

serialLCD4x20LED51:92: error: 'time_t' does not name a type an so on.

So i could not burn the Chip. Is it possible to get an .hex File. Than i could you AVR or PonyProg to burn the 329 Chip.








  Date Signed: December 13, 2014 6:38 PM

Name: Chris Myers

 Firs Rd, Kenley

Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc Weather

Brilliant, absorbing. Thanks for this¬!






  Date Signed: October 17, 2014 1:35 AM

 Lomond Handley


Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc

It's always a pleasure to browse your beautiful website and thanks for sharing it with us. I remember Kenley in the late 1940's and throughout the early 1950's when my family lived at Monkswood in Abbots Lane, which is now the Acorn Lodge care home. In our garden there were large stones which must have been from the lost village of Watendone, as Monkswood was next door to where the 'new' manor had been built in about 1900 I think and our rockery consisted of huge slabs of medieval stones carefully carved. The ghost that walks Kenley was seen on numerous occasions, once in Zig Zag Road. Thank you again for your beautiful web site.







  Date Signed: September 16, 2014 12:18 AM

 Ian Macdonald

 Ottawa, Canada

Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc
Thanks for posting the Kenley images, Brett. My home was Valley Road to the age of 12 and I virtually lived on Kenley Common (we called it 'The Woods') when I wasn't imprisoned in Kenley County Primary School. Wonderful images that bring back some of my happiest memories. We left Kenley in 1957 but when asked where I am from I still reply "Kenley' and I still daydream about the Common. Ian Macdonald, Ottawa, Ontario.







  Date Signed: September 05, 2014 6:11 AM

 Christian MARTINEZ


Homepage: http://
Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc Master Clock

Hello, Amazing work ! I did a 120 led clock with dcf77 module in 2004... With Atmega board. Old now, but it works well. Very interested in Bluetooth possibility to command clock, and PIR detector to optimize consumption. Why no PCB ?? Now with Kicad and low cost fabrication, you can have what you want for few. I can help you if you want ! Regards. Christian






  Date Signed: July 21, 2014 11:37 PM

Name: Daniel Carlos Valencio

Location: Guarulhos São Paulo Brasil


Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc A quel do alternador x bicicleta (Bicycle Powered Generator)

Ótima ideia, muito funcional. (Great idea, very functional.)







  Date: 15/07/2014

Name: Clovis dos Santos Pereira

Location: Brasil


Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc:

Electronics - Circuits and Projects


Excellent project Bicycle Powered Generator.
with your permission I will be posting on my site, and link to your






  Date: 12/07/2014

Name:Christopher Williams

Location:United Kingdom

Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc:

Original Master Clock


Dear Mr Oliver,

I'm still interested in building your Discrete Master Clock Mk I design as a gift for my dad but I have been unable to download the booklets in doc/pdf format - could you email a copy of them to me please?

Also, is the wooden case you used for your Mk I and Mk II Master clocks available ready-made - your Mk II page suggests it is - I'm hopeless at woodwork!

Many thanks,

Chris Williams






  Date Signed: June 08, 2014 9:38 PM

Name: Nicholas Booth

Location: Dorking, Surrey


Which of my web site's is your comment referring to.  Master Clocks

Hi Brett Very interested in your LCD master clock based on the Arduino - with some very useful code I'd like to adopt for my own 30 seconds pulse collection if that's OK? You've also cracked the chiming that I want to have as well. It's great to see how you've done it all. I was wondering how the 30 seconds pulse clocks get on with the pulse your system generates which is about a second long - rather than the 200ms-500ms you'd probably get from a mechanical GPO clock 36? Do you use the one second pulses as they are or do you shorten them in any way? My prototype arduino based set-up seems to be quite happy with 100ms pulses but doesn't have all your refinements? Regards Nicholas



  Name: Graham Gavaghan


Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc Bird box videos

Hi Brett fantastic bird box footage. I work at Towneley Hall Museum and Art gallery in Lancashire. We are currently setting up a new natural history gallery, would it be possible to use your Blue tit nest box footage to displayed on a tv screen in the gallery.


Reply. -  Graham please leave another message with your correct email address. Brett.




  Date Signed: December 31, 2013 2:48 PM

 niels christiansen


Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc
Hi! Love your site - I use it almost every day to check the weather over the past 24hrs - thanks for all the hard work that has gone into this setup. Noticed that the rain gauge has been off for the past 36hrs - with no precipitation recorded - despite significant rainfall over this period.... Happy New Year! Niels

Reply: Hi Niels, Rain gauge fault now fixed.


  Date Signed: December 28, 2013 12:27 AM


 Vicenza - Italy

Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc
 Electronics - Clocks
Got impressed by the very accurate job you've done in assembling and describing master and slave clocks. Is it possible to buy any kit to emulate this job? especially slaves clocks are really nice and dials looks like a mechanical regulator... Did you do by yourself or found a supplier somewhere? Compliments again !


  Date Signed: May 24, 2013 12:44 PM



Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc Binary clock

Please tell me your email in order to ask you a few questions about building the master clock (binary clock) thanks a lot


  Date Signed: May 10, 2013 11:43 AM

Name: Ann-Marie

Location: Cheshire

Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc Web Cams

Thanks so much for turning your FANTASIC QUALITY web cams on. Im loving seeing what's going on inside the nest boxes.:) I have blue tits nesting in my garden but can't see whats happening inside - i like to pretend its mine. Watching in a screen while I work. thanks so much again. Best wishes. Ann-Marie and Darren Jones


  Date Signed: May 07, 2013 12:59 PM

 A-M Jones


Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc
 the live streaming

What a beautifully crafted and presented web page I've just happened upon! Can't wait for the live streaming to be on -to see the bird boxes - that's what I was looking for on the internet.


  Date Signed: April 26, 2013 1:50 PM

 Sheila. Brazier. Nee. Hedicker.


Thanks for your great site.... I lived in Godstone road during ww2, until our house was bombed.... We then moved to Valley Road... Thank you so much for the trip down memory lane..... Sheila Brazier. Nee Hedicker.



  Date Signed: February 02, 2013 2:01 PM


 Wigan UK

Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc Nest Box Cams

Hi, Why are your nest box cams running? I went to clean my nest boxes out today and found that there are young great tits already! So that was a no go! I expect that yours will already be building or occupied!



  Date Signed: January 28, 2013 10:40 AM

 Dusty Mueller



Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc  Nest box
The best bird videos on the internet!!


  Date Signed: October 21, 2012 10:15 AM

 John Berman

 United Kingdom


Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc  Kenley Weather Station

Hi, love the site, always check it before going out to get Astro Images at the Observatory up by Kenley Areodrome






Date Signed: October 02, 2012 4:32 AM


 New Zealkland


Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc Weather

Am interested in the light sensing setup (which I presume is not complete as it is not shown on your weather website?). Could you provide further details and information (or costs if this is something you are going to sell. Thanks



Date Signed: August 29, 2012 10:49 PM

 Adrian Chinery

Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc
 Surrey Towns/Villages


Some nice photographs here. I particularly liked 'Heading downhill by mountain bike towards Hawkhirst Road' and the various snowscapes. Thank you.




Name:Jason Alexander



Which of my web site's is your comment referring to:Nest Cams


Loving the nest box cam pages!

would love to chat to you about next season if you are interested?

Keep up the good work!





Date Signed: 

April 22, 2012 9:11 AM

 Jim Davison
Location: Beverly Hills CA USA
Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc Clocks
Hi I love the clocks. Mostly the Binary Slave. I do not have the skills to put one together. Is there any place I can purchase these things??

Also in the US we use a Radio Clock from Colorado. It looks like your clocks use a clock signal from Germany.

Anyway Anywhere I can purchase these cool rigs?? Jim Davison




Name: Aly Foyle
Location: Kenley
Which of my web site's is your comment referring to.  eg Weather, Family History etc etc: Weather

Hi, been following this since we moved here a few years just along the road (literally) from you and it's great to see the photos you've posted, they are lovely. I am a bit of a weather addict and so regularly visit the site, especially in the winter....thank you




Name: Jean McSorley
Location: Kenley
Which of my web site's is your comment referring to.  eg Weather, Family History etc etc:Weather

Hi, brilliant site.  I live in Kenley and it is great to be able to check the local weather any time of day.  Although I do not understand all the dials I ike to look at the site.  The weather forecaster (weather for the following few days) seems to have disappeared over the last couple of days, will you be bringing it back.



Name: Chris
Email: Not Entered
Location: Kenley
Which of my web site's is your comment referring to.  Kenley Weather

Great Site, been using it for years.
I especially like the timelapse from the webcam.
It would be great if the quality could be improved.
It seems the images taken are clean without pixelation.
But when the timelapse is started heavy pixelation occurs.
Maybe due to the encoding settings when creating the video?
Really love the layout and comprehensive data.
Many Thanks :-)


Thanks for taking time to comment Chris.

My weather cam is uploaded to Weather underground who store the images and create the time lapse. It looks like they use very heavy compression when storing the images so the playback is very pixelated.


Derek Toze

Worthing, West Sussex.

Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc:
Weather, history.

Great photos of the area, I used to live in Valley Road from 1965 to 1975(close to where some of the photo`s were taken) with my parents, I can remember walking up to Riddlesdown High School in all that bad weather in the 60`s/70`s.

Date Signed: July 01, 2011 8:54 AM
Reference ID: 1836770

Name: David
Location: chaldon & worldwide
Homepage: http://
Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc 
Comments: Weather Station
Great website which I have watched for several years from nearby and when abroad for weather on return.

 Just noticed recently a few minor errors in weather symbol and today the temp indicator seems

 to have failed. Keep up the good work, we love it !







Hi David. Thanks for the comment. The temp sender failed last night when it was too dark to repair it.

The temp sensor is now working again.

The weather symbol forecasts are generated by the weather station and are only a rough guide to the weather over the next day.










Name:Claude Moreira






Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. Weather Station


Comments:Great Weather Station.

Dear Mr Oliver..

Could you please let me know which weather station and software you are using to obtain such results..???

Are you a professional weather man ??

I have a modest station in Welling that you can monitor using the following links:





Best regards

Welling UK



Date Signed: February 26, 2011 7:06 PM
Reference ID: 

 Elizabeth Bigg
Mayford, woking

Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc 
Nest Boxes
Here's to the 2011 nesting season!



Date Signed: February 17, 2011 5:34 AM
Reference ID: 


Name:  ryan
Homepage: http://
Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc Master Clock
Hi I'm from Korea. I want to know ask for the master clock. Mothaneunjeom Please understand English well. Master clock, I would like to know about the organizing principle. Master clock, slave clock Anything that I know of several. Please help. ee


Date Signed: July 30, 2010 11:16 PM
Reference ID: 1818775

Name: Keith J. Duffield
Location: Edmonton, Alberta
Homepage: http://
Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc Family History
Congratulations for your excellent site. My Grandfather was Pte. Howard Vincent DUFFIELD (b.1895), #730060, 1st Canadian Division, 1st Brigade, 4th Battalion, 1st "A" Coy (from the 111th Battalion) who fought at the; Battles of Vimy Ridge (on 9-12 Apr 1917), Passchendaele (on 6-10 Nov 1917) and 2nd Arras (26 Aug - 3 Sep 1918). He was wounded by shrapnel during the push to the Buissy Switch, in the early hours of the 3rd of September, 1918 and evacuated to the field hospital. He was first transferred to No. 1 C.O.R.D and sent to (Suffolk Hospital, Bury St. Edmunds), next to Colchester General Military Hospital and finally to the Princess Patricia Canadian Red Cross Hospital (Gordon Camp, Boxhill) for treatment. Discharged from treatment on 18 Oct 1918 and posted to the 3rd Canadian Reserve Battalion (at Witley). Shipped back to Canada on 12 Dec 1918, then reported to No. 1 District Depot (London Ontario) and was honourably discharged on 24 Jan 1919. He was a moulder and house painter by trade and married Clara Maud; daughter of Pte. Thomas George BOTTERILL, #238110, 8th Regiment Battalion (from the 204th Battalion) on 5 Oct 1920 and had 5 children. He enlisted again on 2 Aug 1940 (during WWII) and was posted with the Ontario Home Guard Unit (he would escort German POWs from New York City or Halifax to a Ontario POW Camp, amoung other duties) and was honourably discharged on 21 Jul 1945. He passed away in Toronto, Ontario on 16 Jan 1971 and is buried in the Pine Hills Cemetery (Veteran's Section), Toronto, Ontario. Keith


Date Signed: July 19, 2010 8:33 PM
Reference ID: 1818084

Name: Matt Parker (Roy Kallar)

Location: Toronto, Canada
Homepage: http://
Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc WWI--Forsey
Great to see your research, not only was my relative (Roy Kallar) with your relative in the 83rd overseas--they attested on the same day (papers signed by same men) in Toronto, and took same voyage on the safe to say they knew each other. He was my great-grandfather. The difference was, the 83rd was broken up once overseas to supply units, so mine went to the 4th Canadian Mounted rifles and yours went to the 3rd Please let me know if you uncover any group photos prior to the Olympic's arrival in Liverpool...of the 83rd in Ontario All the best, Matt Parker PS..My relative Roy Kallar is on


Date Signed: June 25, 2010 10:32 PM
Reference ID: 1816574

Name: Phil Rickard

Location: Kenley
Homepage: http://NONE
Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc Weather station
Very informative weather station, it is useful to know what our micro climate is up to, before venturing out.


Date Signed: June 05, 2010 4:33 PM
Reference ID: 1815332

Name: Charles Tortell

Homepage: http://
Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc WEATHER STATION
I am in course to bulid up a weather Station in my region of BIRKIRKARA - MALTA. I saw the WEATHER DISPLAY LIVE PROG very informative and well displayed. So I am still searching the components to setup my station. YOUR DATA IS EXCELLENT AND SUPER INFORMATIVE IT IS VERY ORGANISED AND FULL OF INFORMATION. WELL DONE MY FRIEND. BEST REGARDS CHARLES TORTELL (9H5CZ)


Date Signed: June 01, 2010 2:07 PM
Reference ID: 1815101

Name: Angela Goodall

Location: Hampshire
Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc Nest boxes and Weather
Hi, have looked at your website before and have visited it again today. Lots of interesting snippets of information. We have, this year, set up our own bluetit blog as it is the first time we have had a pair of bluetits nesting in the box with the camera. We have had 3 previous broods of bluetits in previous years but not with a camera. It has been very interesting to see it as it happens as in the past we have followed other websites to help us imagine what stage our chicks were at. The special part this year was to actually witness all 7 of our chicks leaving the nest. Our bluetit blog can be found at Will visit this website again in the future.


Date Signed: May 19, 2010 9:13 AM
Reference ID: 1814303

Name: debramills

Location: london
Homepage: http://
Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc birdcam
i have really enjoyed watching your birds,i can get some idea how mine are getting on as i don't have a camera,but so sad to see the great tits have all perished.




Date Signed: May 08, 2010 3:50 PM
Reference ID: 1813434

Name: Roger

Location: Coulsdon
Homepage: http://
Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc Weather
Good sit I will be looking all the time keep up the good work would like do someting like this one Day




Date Signed: February 23, 2010 9:33 AM
Reference ID: 1807323

Name: Nick Arnold

Location: Oxfordshire
Homepage: http://
Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc Electric horology
Very interesting site, Brett. I've been looking for a circuit to drive a pre-war Gledhill-Brook "electrically propelled" (i.e. 30s impulse)time recorder, and your project has given me some excellent ideas (though mine will be much, much less eleborate!). Regards, Nick.



  Date Signed: September 01, 2010 3:57 PM
Reference ID: 1820996

Peter O Hara

Location: Renfrew, Scotland
Homepage: http://clocks
Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc Master clocks
Hi Brett, been reading you clock pages, very interesting. My interest started off with a 1932 Gillet and Johnston master clock and several slaves, but was too noisy for the house (30 sec clunk!) pendulum drive altered to magnetic, now silent. Added hourly chime along similar lines to yours. work ok but found a cct on a site hourly chime generator. Very simple and uses a clever way of doing an and gate (2 diodes and a 180K) I,ve been using this type of and gate on binary counters, much simpler than the usual way. If you cant find the site, email me and I,ll attach the diagram and description. Regards Peter

  Date Signed: October 21, 2010 9:55 AM
Reference ID: 1824060

Name: Hilton

Location: Durban South Africa
Homepage: http://
Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc Weather
Hi Brett, can you drop the camera down a bit so it not just all sky?
  Date Signed: November 28, 2010 8:05 PM
Reference ID: 1826294

Name: Ann Shepherd

Location: Sanderstead
Homepage: http://
Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc weather
The Kenley weather station is FANTASTIC! I have just discovered it in the last few days. It will be on my computer most of the time from now on.
  Date Signed: November 30, 2010 4:56 PM
Reference ID: 1826373

Name: The Kestertons

Location: Kenley, UK
Homepage: http://
Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc Weather
Wonderful site -- thank you!




2 (Reference ID: 1827138)


Hilton berry


Durban, South Africa



Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc:



Hi Brett,

Last time we chatted, you were in the middle of renovations and the camea had a temporary setup. Is there any way you can adjust the camea so we can see more of the landscape and a bit less of the cloud? Currently 80% of the image is cloud. We all want to marvel at the snow and the surrounds. Can you help us out here?





1 (Reference ID: 1827224)


Tim Le Vine


Tatsfield Kent


Which of my web site's is your comment referring to. eg Weather, Family History etc etc:

Weather photo's


Excellent site, great photo's

